We are never to old to learn. God has given us that gift if we decide to receive it. We learn everyday something new. This week I have been listening to Keith Moore on the Believers Voice of Victory. Wow, how awesome he has been. He has been teaching on Thanksgiving Victory. He has said that "You can't see the miracle when you see the problem." We gripe, complain and grumble about everything. It was an eye opener for me. It stirred my spirit severely. I have decided to stop looking at the problems in front of me. I have been praying for many things for months now. God has heard my prayers. I know that He has because He said that He does and that He will answer them. Keith said that we need to stop crying and complaining. We need to start giving thanks. To start the prayer off by saying, "Thank you God for..." I have been doing that all this week. Boy, has it changed my way of thinking and has given me hope. It has given me peace. Don't walk by sight. Walk by faith. The way to do that is to start by giving thanks even though things look bad. It was so hard for me to start doing this. But I started. In
1 Sam. 1:7,8, Hannah would go to the temple everyday. She cried and wept. She sinked into a deeper depression because she could not conceive. She had a hard time believing because of her situation. Unbelief is an evil preditor. It can rob of you so much in your life. Jesus is the light. We must move forward, toward the light. When we concentrate on what we do not have, we miss what we do have. We are so blessed with so much. I was starting to have a hard time seeing it because I was focusing so much on the problems and situations before me. All I could see was that I did not have the money to buy groceries, pay a bill that was overdue and life with my family. All I could see was desperation and sadness. I was losing my joy because of my feeling sorry for myself. This study has changed me and the way I was thinking. "Thank you Lord for helping me to see what I was doing wrong and helping me to change it." The problems may still be there at this time but that doesn't change who God is. It will get better. God has promised in His Word that He will pour out a blessing from heaven and that we will not have room enough to retain it. Wow. Just think about it. The priest saw Hannah everyday, finally spoke to her and gave her word. She immediately got up and just started thanking God and became joyful. She went home and became a wife to her husband, took care of her household and gave thanks. She received word. She was not with child, yet. She decided to have a thankful heart. When she had changed her mindset, she soon became pregnant. With her thankfullness God blessed her. A prophet was born. He became a great man of God. When Hannah stopped crying, her breakthrough came. The devil loves us to stay where we are at because we do not progress. He hates progress in our spiritual walk. He hates it because he cannot control it. I have choices in life. I have the choice to resist anything that he throws at me. I cannot stay in self pity and feeling sorry for myself anymore. It is a dangerous thing. It robs us of our blessings and our joy. It strips us of everything that God wants us to have. I have decided that I am going to change. I am going to get my mind and heart off of the problems. I know that God will appear and will deliver. I am not going to gripe, complain, cry, and feel sorry for myself anymore. It's deadly to me and my family. God has ignited a fire in me. Wow! Thank you God for helping me to see. I am victorious. My family is victorious. God is my life, strength and my redeemer. Praise the Mighty name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What do you do?
I remember when Wayne and I were newly married. I loved to go see moma and daddy. I lived just an hour away from them but I went to see them once a week at least. I would call and just say hi. I loved my moma and daddy. I loved to see them and talk with them. Whenever we had a big decision to make about something, we would ask them and Wayne's parents for their input. They would always give us sound advice. Wayne and I have always been close to our parents. They were so part of our lives and we made sure that they were in our boys lives, also. There were times that we experienced things that we thought we could not get through. But our parents were always there for us. They would pray and listen to us. We somehow made it through. When Wayne went through his depression, his parents were there for him. One time we went home to see them. It was just he and I that went. We walked in the house and he sat on the couch. He started to talk about what he had been going through and just started to cry. His mom went right over to him and started to pray and she held on to him and loved him. Parents are the best. I wonder, how you go on everyday and see your children struggle with things that they have experienced in life? How do you reach them to tell them that things will be alright? How do you help them when they are in a deep valley trying to climb their way up that steep mountain? What can you say to help them realize that they do not have to be alone? When your son or daughter is no longer a child but a grown man or woman, how do you let them know that you are still there for them? How can you get them to realize that you love them and want to help them, to hold them? You want to share things with them and be close but sometimes they won't let you near them. What do you do? I have prayed and cried for my boys for a long time. They are great kids. I would not want to change anything about them. They are wonderful men of God. I believe they follow God and listen to His voice. They are leaders of their homes. I am proud of each of them. Even though they are blessed by the Lord the y still struggle. It is so hard sometimes, when I see them go through spiritual fights that I do not know how to help them fight. All I can do is pray for them. I believe our parents did for us. We have got to surround our family with prayer. In Psalms, David said, that "God was a very present help in the time of trouble". I believe that with all of my heart. God is so good. He has proven Himself over and over to Wayne and He has been faithful, everytime. What happens to any of us, does not change who He is. I have been through the loss of both parents and a grandbaby. We will make it. Our sons will make it. Our family will be alright and we will make it. It is hard but we must keep praising. It might be with from our lips for a while, but if we keep praising, it will eventually come from our heart, if we stand faithful. Praise God!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The leaves are falling more now than a couple of weeks ago. The trees are so beautiful. Reds, yellows, burnt orange cover them like a breath of fresh air. They stretch high above the earth as if saying, "I am so proud of what I am. God made me and I will ever praise Him". Hearing the sounds of children playing, the rustling of the leaves moving so gingerly as the wind tosses them about, makes you take notice of God's beauty. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds. It is so calming to my soul. Oh, the majesty of it all. God Himself spoke it all into existence and He said it was good. He did it for us. How can we grumble and complain? How can we not know the Creator of all of this? He love us so much. He cared enough about us that He desired to paint us a picture so that we could look upon the beauty that surrounding us. Sometimes we do not see it because of the clutter that is in our lives. "God, forgive us. Forgive us for not seeing your beauty and how you had lovingly placed everything in order for us. We can't see it. You are doing a new thing in our lives and some of us can't see it for the clutter. Help us to put the things that do not even matter, aside and love again". We need to capture the fragrance of the Most High God. Look upon His face and focus on Him. The beauty will come back. You will see it. Seasons do change. It is time to change with it and pick up and go on. We need to stop grumbling and complaining and see God. Just see Him as He is.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Oldest
My oldest son, Jonathan will be getting married Nov 21st. He is marrying Alejandra. She is sweet and loving. She has such a peace about her. She loves the Lord and it shows through her actions and love for others. Jonathan and Ale (We call her that) are good together. They are very happy. They really take care of each other. It makes my heart feel easier knowing that Jonathan will be taken care of. I pray that they will be happy, blessed and have many years together. I pray that they will be as happy, as Wayne and I have been the past 33 years. Marriage is so wonderful when you are with your soul mate. It makes a difference when you serve God and put Him first in your marriage. Then each other. The children come next. Wayne's mother (Pat) told me one time, that you need to always make time for each other through your marriage. Go on dates and spend time with each other. Be best of friends because one day you will have an empty nest and it will be just the two of you. You have to know that you have a good relationship and love to carry you through to the next phase in your life. We still have Nathanael, our 16 yr old, with us. He is so great. He loves music and is concentrating right now, making a CD, of him playing songs on the keyboard. It won't be long till he will want to move. That will be hard for me because he is the baby. But I will get through. Wayne and I are the best of friends and I guess always have been. We love being with each other. He still makes me laugh. He is so precious to me. How I know that he was the one for me, is because God placed that love in my heart for him a long time ago. He is the best thing that has happened in my life besides the Lord and my children. I am so blessed. Thank you Father for your blessings on me. My cup runs over. I have 3 wonderful sons that I love so much and a precious daughter-in-law and another soon to be daughter-in-law. What more can I ask for? My house is full and filled with love.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Happy Anniversary Dad and Mom
Today was Dad and Mom's anniversary. This year would have been their 60th. After 12 years since dad's passing, mom has gone home to Jesus. She and dad are celebrating it again together. I dreamed about her the other night. She had her red dress on and she was dancing and praising God. She looked so happy and free. She looked at me and just smiled. Her hair was dark again. It flowed around her shoulders. She twirled and just floated it seemed. I sat there captive. She wasn't sick or gasping for air. She was full of life. Thank you God! I think God allows us to dream like that to help us heal. Seeing her like that, made me feel better about her leaving. Oh I know that I will still have my times, but that's alright. I know in my heart it won't be long till we shall meet again. I have that assurance. Wayne in his sweet way said that they just changed their residence. He is right but I still miss them both. Happy Anniversary Dad and Mom. It must be wonderful where you are. Until we meet again. I love you.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Our House
Donald, my oldest brother, called and said that there was someone wanting to buy mom and dad's house. That is such a marvelous thing. Since being the executrix over mom's estate, it has been hard to oversee that things go well. With me being 3 hrs away it has been very difficult to do. Donald , Debbie and Jan has helped me with checking up on things with the house. They have been such a blessing to me. I will never be able to express what that has meant to me. It has been such a burden for us. Keeping the appearance up as well on the house has been difficult also. It is such a cute house. I hope that we have done well and that mom and dad would have been proud of the way we have handled things. I know that they are gone but part of me still wants to feel like they, in some way, would be proud of us. A few of the kids have not helped at all but that is alright. I am not going to worry about something that I cannot fix. God is a better choice to take care of that. I am rejoicing in my heart anyway. God is still on the throne and knows exactly where I am at and what I need. Thank you Father. I love you.
A New Thing
We have finally moved our store out of the mall to a new location. Praise be to God! We are so thrilled. Since our move in September it has rough going financially. I just know that God will help us. We understand that it will take a while to get it up and running to support the family. It's just trying to survive till then. God has done great and marvelous things. He shows us everyday that he will provide if we believe and trust in him. I have prayed the scripture in Isaiah 43:19 where it is saying that God is about to do a brand new thing. See, I have already begun! Can you not see it?... Isn't he wonderful? It is so exciting. Just the expectation alone of what he is about to do, is awesome. What he has planned for all of us and the gifts that he wants to bless us with, are amazing. "God you are my God and I will ever praise you". We must learn to praise him no matter what comes our way. Stay focused on him and let him direct our lives. David said in Psalms that he had never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread. Glory to God! Our Redeemer lives! Through it all, God is still God!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Missing Mom
I am really missing mom tonight. My heart feels so heavy. I miss her sweet embrace. I could always call her and tell her anything and she would never scold or judge. She loved me unconditionally. Oh I wished I could here her tender voice right now. I was so blessed to have her in my life. Oh how I miss her. "Mom, I miss you! My heart cries and aches for you at times. You were my best friend besides Wayne. I have ask myself many times what am I going to do? What am I going to do? You had always been my prayer partner. I could call you about a problem and you would always let me talk. You told me many times that when you could not sleep that you would just pray for your kids and people that you knew. There were many times, I remember, that we would laugh over something funny and you would always get a cramp in your side. You were a sight. No matter what mom, you taught me to trust God and lean on Him. You taught me to depend on His Word and to take Him at it. You taught me to praise and worship no matter the situation I was facing. You taught me to love everyone and to not hold grudges and not to judge anyone for their mistakes for they will answer to God themselves, just as I will one day. You taught me to not be bitter in the circumstances that I face in my life. You taught me to always search my life everyday to make sure that I am right with God. You taught me to love life itself. You taught me that God will always wrap His arms around me and hold me and help me through tough times as well as the good. I know that He does. Mom, you knew that my kids are my life besides Wayne and the Lord. Mom, Philip and Dana hurt so bad and I don't know how to help them. I love them so much that sometimes my heart feels like it could burst inside. I ache mom and I have cried for them many times. It greives me that I cannot take it all away and change things. I see their sadness and I want to wrap them up in my arms and shelter them from all the hurt that they have been going through. I want to see them laugh again and be happy. I want them to know that they are blessed and highly favored and that during this season in their lives that God is with them. He hasn't left them. He hasn't forsaken them. Mom, I wished that you were here. I need to talk to you! I know that you would help me pray for all my babies. My precious babies! I know that in time they will all be alright. I know that they will. I love you, mom. Thanks for teaching me that Jesus will give me strength to go on no matter what I face in life if I trust and lean on Him. Thanks for living a life before me that I have always wanted to pattern my life after. You were the greatest. Truly you were. Say hello to daddy for me. I miss him too. Hold my grandbaby for me. I am so happy that the three of you are together and we will be with you all soon. I love knowing that I have that hope. I love you mom. Oh how I love you. One day these tears will be gone from our eyes, won't they? For joy will come in the morning. I remember you singing that sweet song, "Joy Comes in the Morning". It will be that way soon, won't it? My family will be happy and whole again. I know that they will. I speak and declare it, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Well, mom I don't want to say it, but I must, Good night mom. Till next time. I love you." God, hold all my babies tonight. You have given me such precious gifts. I am so blessed and highly favored. I ask you to bless them and anoint them for your glory and honor. To God be the glory!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Our House
I haven't had too much time as of late to write. But I thought that I would make time tonight. We have been here at our house for almost 2 months now. We love being here. It is so comfortable for our family. It is almost like putting on a glove that fits just right and snug. It is a lot of fun thinking of ways to make improvements. The neighborhood is quite and the neighbors are nice. We are blessed. We had our first cook out with the kids and a couple of their friends, on Father's Day. We laughed a lot and took pictures and ate so much. It has been so hard for us all, the last 8 or 9 months. It was just right, that day, with the family. It was a good healing time for all of us. God is so good.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Home With the Lord
Today was the first Resurrection Day, without Mom, Dad and my grandbaby, Raelyn. They are with the Lord. They are seeing Him face to face! They are Praising Jesus, our Risen Lord and soon coming King! This morning on the way to church, I said to Wayne, 'They are with Jesus today'. They aren't sad, hurting or diseased anymore. They all have new life. We can't be sad about that, can we? We have the hope of seeing them again, if we know Christ personally, as our Savior. Sure, we do miss them, greatly. There is not a day that goes by, that they are not far from me. I feel them close to me. Dad has been gone for 12 years now. He still feels just as close to me, as he did then. We are blessed. I am blessed to have had them in my life, as long as I did. Little Raelyn, as Wayne and I held her in her little basket in the hospital room, prayed and dedicated her back to God. Our little flower, is making Heaven more beautiful, with her presence today, on Resurrection Sunday. 'Thank you Jesus, for your love and your saving grace. We have that eternal hope because you gave your life for us'. So, yes they are home with the Lord and someday we will be with them. It is a wonderful thought, isn't it?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Change is not easy at all. When we think all is going well, then something happens and puts a halt to it all. Sometimes there is growth in change and sometimes not. I believe, how we look and embrace change, determines the outcome of our life. It will make us or break us. This brings me to what happened this past weekend, when I went back home, to have an estate sale, at Mother's house. There was some things that was sold, by accident, of my brother's, that he did not want sold, but he did not have them marked. We had been after him for weeks to get things together. When we opened the garage that morning, nothing was marked. We didn't know what to do. He stayed out drinking the night before and was gone that morning also. He showed up about 11:00 am. We could not reach him. He would not answer his calls. What were to do? It was time for the sale. People were arriving and he had not answered our numerous calls. Anyway, he is still mad about it. We can't get the items back. He is wanting money from us, that he says that we owe for the tools that were sold. He has not paid anything towards the payment on the house or utilities that he promised to pay. The money that was made, was to help pay for the bills that were due of Mother's. If we pay him, it will be difficult to pay much of them. What am I to do? I need God's Wisdom. It has been so very tiring and difficult. The Friday before the sale, Debbie, Jan and myself, along with our spouses, met with an attorney. We had to meet with him because of a couple of problems that had come up with two of our siblings concerning Mother's estate. It became a real bad ordeal between all of us. We did not want to have to probate the will, but they left us no choice. I am responsible to let all the kids know of the date and time of the probate hearing, in case someone wanted to contest the will. I pray that it won't happen. I am so weary from everything, from Mother illness, travelling back and forth, her passing, hearing arguments between the kids. Now a lawyer and hearing is involved. I have to take care of Mother's affairs also. I am ready for it all to be done with. I am trying to get ready to move into my house, by the end of April, that Wayne and I have bought. I feel the weight of everything is on my shoulders. God, I need you. I can't make it without you. I need your strength and power to make it through all of this. It breaks my heart to see what is happening to my family. There is nothing that I can do to keep it all from unravelling before me. To keep the family together is almost impossible. I know that God is the only way of keeping it together. I pray that He will take control and do what is right and honest and what is best for all. I am so glad that Dad and Mom are not here seeing this. They would be heart broken. They have raised us better than this.
My children did something for me today that blessed me and helped me get through the day. They had bought a meal from KFC with the works. They set it up in the kitchen at the new house. That is not all. They had a bouquet of white and pink roses and put them up in the cabinet for me to find. I started to cry and hugged each one of them. You know, I am so blessed! Sometimes, I believe God sends the smallest of things to show us, what He thinks of us. He loves me! This I know. Thank you Jesus, for that. I know that I can make it through this change in my life. It will be hard and it will be difficult, but I know that I do not have to go it alone. I have my Lord and I have Wayne and my kids. I am blessed!!
My children did something for me today that blessed me and helped me get through the day. They had bought a meal from KFC with the works. They set it up in the kitchen at the new house. That is not all. They had a bouquet of white and pink roses and put them up in the cabinet for me to find. I started to cry and hugged each one of them. You know, I am so blessed! Sometimes, I believe God sends the smallest of things to show us, what He thinks of us. He loves me! This I know. Thank you Jesus, for that. I know that I can make it through this change in my life. It will be hard and it will be difficult, but I know that I do not have to go it alone. I have my Lord and I have Wayne and my kids. I am blessed!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Today was real hard for me. I have so many things to do at once that I feel like I am burning a candle at both ends. With all that is going on in my life, with trying to sell mom's estate, dealing with my siblings, going back and forth from Vernon to Lubbock, trying to do my job, getting my new house in order to where we can move in soon, looking for a new place to worship, pay bills, and be the wife and mother that I need to be, keeping the house as organized as much as I can and so much more. I feel as though I am coming unravelled at times. I know that I am not, but sometimes it is so overwhelming. There is so much that needs my attention. I am not complaining, just venting. I thank the Lord that He is still in control. I would really mess things up, if I was. I really miss Mother. I wished that I could talk to her. She always listened when I needed to talk. I don't want to burden Wayne down with little petty things. I know that a lot of things that women go through, men are not that concerned. It is not a big of deal to them. Women just need to talk sometimes. I know that Wayne loves me and would listen to me but he has so much that he has to deal with himself. I just feel like what I have to say is not important enough to worry him with. We do not even have time for one another. I do not want us to get lost in all of this part of our lives. I miss Mom so much. She managed so good with all the kids and dad and the things in her life. I know that I can. Lord, you have to help me. Help me get through this. I need your comfort and strength. I need you Lord. The Bible says," those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not grow faint" I will be alright. I have a big God and I can depend on and trust to be there for me. Thank you my Heavenly Father.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My House
After 33 years, we finally have purchased our first home. It is so wonderful. We have such great plans for it. It is so perfect for us. God has blessed us so much. We have pastored for many years and have always lived in someone else's home. We have had permission to do some things to their house but it was never mine. The congregation would let us do the remodeling but it had to be voted on and passed by the church. You will never know what I mean, till you walk in the shoes of a pastor. We loved pastoring, don't get me wrong. We haven't pastored in about 4 years now. If it is the Lord's will, we would probably pastor again, if it came up at some point and time. I would definately want to have my own home though. So this will be a blessing to have in that since. We have lived in some beautiful homes and some not so beautiful. It was like whatever was dealt your way, you had to live in it. Back in 1980, we lived in a 3 bdrm 1 bath pasonage that was next to the church. The winter was so cold that Wayne, Jonathan (age 1) and I had to stay in one bedroom just to stay warm. When the wind blew, the curtains would move. We brought it before the church that we needed to do something about it. At the meeting, one of the elders of the church said that it was good for his family 70 years ago and it was good enough for us. We did not stay there very long after that. In another parsonage, in another town, the water bugs were so huge, you didn't dare get up at night to go to the restroom. We tried everything to get rid of them and nothing would work. Plus the roof sagged so bad in one bedroom, that the men of the church had to put a brace up inside the rafters. I was so thankful when we left there. So, that is just some of our experiences over the past years. There was 2 parsonages though, that were nice and I enjoyed staying in them. So, you have some idea why I was so wanting my own place. God just let everything work out and I praise Him for it. Again He knew my desire and He came through for me. We are going to have it dedicated soon. I hope that it will be a way that we can have home Bible studies or a home cell group. We want to have it to where we can minister in some way. I can truly say, Thank you, Heavenly Father!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Good Day
Today I woke up with peace in my heart. It has been a while. I realized that my cup is running over and I am so blessed. I have a wonderful husband and 3 sons and a daughter, and Princess (our family pet) and Selah (my grand-dog) that loves me. What more could I ask for? I have had a good day!
It has been hard the last few weeks with Mother being sick and then with her passing. I don't really know how to feel. Do I supposed to dwell on what has happened? Am I not being a strong Christian if I think on it and start to cry? Am I weak? Sometimes, I sit in the morning drinking my coffee and my mind goes right to thinking about her and I start to cry again. Is that wrong? I have been trying to stay busy so that I would not think about it so much. In doing that I do not know if that is really dealing with losing Mother. How do I supposed to feel when I do not have parents anymore to lean on, to ask for advice about something, etc? It all seems so unreal. It is almost like it is someone else's life that I am looking at. I have been in a daze for a while. I do not know if it is just fatigue or what. I have been sleeping better the last few days. Thank God for that. I still have trouble focusing at times. WE supposed to be closing on our house that we are buying and I can't seem to get into it anymore. What do I supposed to do? I need to pack but it is hard to get going again. I have got to get it together. Nathanael asked me one day if I had remembered something that he had asked about earlier. I told him that I could not remember him even asking me anything. I apologized to him and in his sweet way, he forgave me. The family has been so supportive and understanding. Thank you everyone. I know there will still be days that will be hard, but I know through Christ that there will be days that will be fabulous. I do praise my Heavenly Father in whom I can trust.
My younger sister told me that she said to herself one day, when I called (on her birthday, the 16th) that she knew Mother would not want her to be sad on her special day. So she decided that she was going to be happy. She has been dealing with all of this her own way by saying that Mother is on a much needed rest and that she will see her and Dad again. I have been trying to do that today. It may be different tomorrow but I am doing great now. That is what counts. Thanks, sis.
Sorry if this has been jumbled a little. I guess that is ok. It is sometimes hard to write really the way I feel. I guess that I wonder what someone will think of me. I've always been that way. Being a minister's wife, I have had to keep a lot of things inside for many years. I guess that is why it is hard to write anything. But, that is for another day, I guess.
To God be the Glory!
It has been hard the last few weeks with Mother being sick and then with her passing. I don't really know how to feel. Do I supposed to dwell on what has happened? Am I not being a strong Christian if I think on it and start to cry? Am I weak? Sometimes, I sit in the morning drinking my coffee and my mind goes right to thinking about her and I start to cry again. Is that wrong? I have been trying to stay busy so that I would not think about it so much. In doing that I do not know if that is really dealing with losing Mother. How do I supposed to feel when I do not have parents anymore to lean on, to ask for advice about something, etc? It all seems so unreal. It is almost like it is someone else's life that I am looking at. I have been in a daze for a while. I do not know if it is just fatigue or what. I have been sleeping better the last few days. Thank God for that. I still have trouble focusing at times. WE supposed to be closing on our house that we are buying and I can't seem to get into it anymore. What do I supposed to do? I need to pack but it is hard to get going again. I have got to get it together. Nathanael asked me one day if I had remembered something that he had asked about earlier. I told him that I could not remember him even asking me anything. I apologized to him and in his sweet way, he forgave me. The family has been so supportive and understanding. Thank you everyone. I know there will still be days that will be hard, but I know through Christ that there will be days that will be fabulous. I do praise my Heavenly Father in whom I can trust.
My younger sister told me that she said to herself one day, when I called (on her birthday, the 16th) that she knew Mother would not want her to be sad on her special day. So she decided that she was going to be happy. She has been dealing with all of this her own way by saying that Mother is on a much needed rest and that she will see her and Dad again. I have been trying to do that today. It may be different tomorrow but I am doing great now. That is what counts. Thanks, sis.
Sorry if this has been jumbled a little. I guess that is ok. It is sometimes hard to write really the way I feel. I guess that I wonder what someone will think of me. I've always been that way. Being a minister's wife, I have had to keep a lot of things inside for many years. I guess that is why it is hard to write anything. But, that is for another day, I guess.
To God be the Glory!
Friday, March 13, 2009
On March 6, 2009, I lost my precious Mother. She struggled for years with COPD/Heart Problems/Diabetes. She fought very hard during these last few months. To see her go from 120 lbs to under 100 lbs. was so difficult. She struggled to get the strength to even eat and drink. She was a child of God. She lived for Him till her last breath. Her hearts desire was to see her children saved. There is still one out of the fold. He knows what he must do, but he is not ready. I will keep praying for him. I miss Mother terribly. I had called her everyday to check on her. I live 3 hrs away, so I could not go to see her as often as I had wanted to. I still want to talk to her everyday. I have looked at the phone and almost picked it up a couple of times to call and then I would remember that she is no longer here. Sometimes, I feel so lost. It seemed like her and Daddy would help keep me together or something. I can't really explain it. I am so joyful though that she and Daddy are together now, after 11 years. I know where she is. I will miss that I could always call her when I needed her to help me pray for something. I know that she always would. I was going through some of her notes, after she left (she always found something to write on) and I found a List of her hearts desires. To name a couple, she listed things like, helping the poor and needy. She wanted to make sure the children were fed. Children were important to her (since she raised 12). She had always wanted a food and clothing closet at church to be able help those in need in the community. She was very missioned minded. She showed me what a true Christian was. She would play her guitar with love for her Lord and love for music. She really had all the Fruit of the Spirit working in her life. She did not lack one that I know of. I want to pattern my life like hers. She left me an heritage and I want to continue and pass it along to my children. I love you Mom and I miss you. I can truly say, "Well done, Mama. I will see you soon."
Saturday, February 28, 2009
When I was pregnant with each of my three sons, I would pray everyday that God would give each of my children a musical talent that would be used for Him. He gave me my desire! All of my boys were blessed with musical talent. Jonathan is the bass player for the Praise and Worship team at the church he goes to. He plays with such passion for the Lord. Philip has a beautiful sax that he plays. It seems as though God himself plays it. He plays like He speaks the notes. He came in third, in the International Teen Talent, in 2002. He was 17. Nathanael, plays the drums on the same team as Jonathan. His ability to hear beats is amazing. It has to be from God. He bounces all the time around the house. If he sits very long, he has this imaginary drum that he is playing on. I guess that is the way all drummers do!! He sits and plays the keyboard and just meditates on the Lord. I guess, the point I am trying to make is, when you focus on the Lord and live for Him and desire to draw close to Him, He will give you what you ask for. I didn't want material things. It is nice to have them, though. I wanted my children to know Him to the fullest. I have seen it devolpe over their lives as I watch them grow. Wayne and I are so blessed that God gave us three fine young men that love the Lord like they do and want to serve Him with all their hearts. Dana, Philip's wife, is so amazing. She is so good to Philip. She watches over him like a hawk. Words cannot describe what we feel for her. She was an angel that God sent to our family. Besides, the Lord knew that I needed another girl around, with all of these guys!!!! Dana, sings beautifully. It is not just words that come from her. It is love that she expresses for her Lord. She does not sing for recognition. She sings only to Jesus and no one else. Yes, I am proud of what God has given to me. He gave me my desire and more. I just love Him so much. I love you also, Jonathan, Philip, Dana and Nathanael. You make your dad and I proud. Keep living for the Lord. Thank you, Jesus.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
These are my children. My oldest is Jonathan. He is 29. He is a young man that follows the Lord. He seeks to do whatever he can for others. He loves to serve Christ with his whole being. He plays the bass guitar on the church Praise Team. He is presently leading a group called "Crossroads" for single and divorced persons. Being divorced himself, he knows the ups and downs that it can bring. He is wanting to someday settle down with a special young lady, that feels a calling in this field also, that can work by his side to help these hurting souls. Philip is 24. He loves life and seeks to make his life full and prosperous. He loves God and has been called as an Evangelist. He is one that wants it all in life. He strives to do his best in many things. His mind is always thinking of ways to do something better. He plays the saxaphone beautifully. I think that he needs to make a CD one day. He has such an anointing on his life. When he plays, it seems like it reaches down into your soul and ministers to your need. He is married to a beautiful young woman named Dana. She is so precious to Wayne and I. We were so blessed when
she became part of us. She is 24 also. She sings with sincerety and love for the Lord. She has a zest for life. She right beside Philip and helps him in his ministry. She is a strong and devoted young woman. She gives all that she has in whatever task is set before her. They have no children right now. They did have a miscarrage, this past year, that was difficult. They have come a long way since then and with God's divine touch they are victorious. Nathanael is our baby. Well, I do not think he likes to be called that now. He is 15 and will be 16 in August. He is the drummer on the Praise team. He has such a sweet spirit about him. He loves the Lord and seeks Him everyday. He feels the call into the ministry and is wanting to attend CFNI when he graduates from High School. He is writing a novel right now to help reach younger readers. He hopes that it will help them to find Christ, if they do not know Him as their personal Savior. He loves to bowl and is on a bowling league. He has a good average. He has a wonderful sense of humor. I feel so blessed being the "Mom" of this crew. I am so proud of them all. I love the verse in Psalms, that says, "Delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." He has truly given me my desires that I had prayed, from a very early age. I couldn't ask for much more. My cup is running over. Thank you, Jesus.
Jonathan and Nathanael took a few minutes to pose for me before running out the door to church, on a Wednesday night. Nathanael grabbed Princess (our family pet) and she got in the picture also. Thanks guys!



Jonathan and Nathanael took a few minutes to pose for me before running out the door to church, on a Wednesday night. Nathanael grabbed Princess (our family pet) and she got in the picture also. Thanks guys!
Here is Philip and Dana. She is helping me set my website up. She is so smart. She works in the hospital as a Pharmacy Tech. She and Philip are the owners of our family business. We just took Philip to Chili's. Now he is all smiles!
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